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The scouting team is back home in Hungary and we are shoveling snow after shoveling sand in Africa. What a change… one week ago we were dying of the heat and humidity in Benin, 2 weeks before we were dry as a lizard’s skin in Algeria and now we struggle with snow.

We can’t rest too much, hell of an administration work started with gatering all the indormation the Algerian authorities need, collcting all the documents the participants need for the visa and in the meantime write the Road Book.

Less than a month to go and we are on the road again… honestly we miss Africa already.
Someone told me once that if you are touched by the sand of the Sahara you always want to get back there.
True, true….

We are trying to make a ‘best of’ selection of the photos (needless to say, we have thousands of them) and upload to the Media -> Picture Gallery on the website.

Check it in a couple of days.